About the

Lilla Matheson Ohsrtrom, MA, ATR-BC is an artist residing in The Plains VA. She is the Creative Director of Youngblood Art Studio (YAS). As such she is the artist in residence and primary art therapist at YAS. In her early years, she worked and exhibited in France. Eventually returning to The Plains where she grew up she continued to pursue her career as an artist while raising her family. Currently, she is focused on art therapy. She has developed YAS as a three-tier art and idea incubator, with a mission towards art and healing. The three tiers are: her personal art studio for continuous art-making, a therapeutic art space for healing and the YAS gallery, where art and ideas are shared.
A Calling Insinuates Itself
Lilla completed her Master of Arts in art therapy from GWU, has worked at Sibley hospital inpatient mental health clinic 7 West, and at A Place to Be music therapy for special needs individuals, as well as working with private clients at George Washington University (GWU) Trauma Clinic. She is an Art Therapist (ATR-BC) through the Art Therapy Credentials Board and has brought her practice of art therapy to Youngblood Art Studio.
Memberships & Affiliations
About the

Lilla Matheson Ohsrtrom, MA, ATR-BC, is an artist residing in The Plains VA. She is the Creative Director of Youngblood Art Studio (YAS). As such she is the artist in residence and primary art therapist at YAS. In her early years, she worked and exhibited in France. Eventually returning to The Plains where she grew up she continued to pursue her career as an artist while raising her family. Recently she has been focussed on art therapy. She has developed YAS as a three-tier art and idea incubator, with a mission towards art and healing. The three tiers are; her personal art studio for continuous art-making, A Therapeutic art space for healing and The YAS gallery, where art and ideas are shared.
A Calling Insinuates Itself
Lilla completed her Master of Arts in art therapy from GWU, has done over 1,000 art therapy internship hours, which includes having worked at Sibley hospital inpatient mental health clinic 7 West, and at A Place to Be music therapy for special needs individuals, as well as working with private clients at George Washington University (GWU) Trauma Clinic. She is an Art Therapist (ATR-BC) through the Art Therapy Credentials Board. She has now brought her practice of art therapy to Youngblood Art Studio.